Theme 4 - Policy Linkages
Policy, legislation and investments are necessary to support transformation through OFE which is, essentially, a local process that engages farmers and others around specific changes on the farm. Currently, initiatives around OFE are happening in spite of poorly aligned institutional structures and incentives within the agricultural sciences, with funding mechanisms, career paths and norms favouring traditional experimentation. Harnessing the transformational potential of OFE for agricultural sciences and innovation requires more strategic institutional alignment. To scale up, OFE will need nurturing policy, well-designed legislation and secure investment. This webinar will present issues and proposals relevant to farmer-centric On-Farm Experimentation regarding public policies in relation to agricultural and open innovation systems, investment and data and innovation governance.
Chair: Dr Stéphane Lemarié & Véronique Bellon-Maurel – INRAE, France
Whole webinar: watch online
► Introduction to the theme: nurturing policy, legislation & investment
Stéphane Lemarié & Véronique Bellon-Maurel - INRAE, France
► How OFE questions agricultural Innovation Public Policy?
Maciej Krzysztofowicz – JRC, European Commission
& Gianluca Brunori – University of Pisa, Italy
► How to deal with OFE needs for investment?
Agnès Maitre – AFD, France
& Claire Rhodes – Producers Direct, UK
► What are data governance issues in OFE?
Leanne Wiseman – Griffith University, Australia
& Simone van der Burg – WUR, The Netherlands
► Wrap up: lessons learned and open questions
Derek Byerlee – Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA
Wednesday 19th of May 2021